SACJTC 2001 Budget and Actual
 Proposed 2002 Budget




2001 (budget)

2001 (actual)

2002 (proposed)

1.  Dues @ $50 $12,500 (250) $12,650 (253) $12,500 (250)
2.  Luncheon Tickets $11,250 (375) $12,690 (423) $11,550 (385)
3.  Interest Income $1,600 $1,478 $1,400
4.  Miscellaneous -0- -0- -0-
5.  Corporate Sponsorship (luncheon) $6,000 $8,000 $7,000
INCOME TOTAL $31,350 $34,818 $32,450



Member Services


2001 (budget)

2001 (actual)

2002 (proposed)

1.  Newsletter/Occasional Papers $4,500 $1,916.40 $3,000
2.  Annual Luncheon      
       SACS/COC Processing Fee $500 $500 $500
       Meal $15,000 $17,773.88 $18,000
       Speaker $2,000 $1,000 $2,000
       Speaker Travel $1,000 $545.50 $1,000
       Printing (Program, Ticket, Flyer) $1,000 $1,138.05 $1,200
       Miscellaneous (shipping, signs, AV) $500 $594.41 $700
       Complimentary Tickets/Refunds 0 $360 $360
Services Sub-Total $24,500 $23,828.24 $27,260

Board of Directors


2001 (budget)

2001 (actual)

2002 (proposed)

1.  Spring Meeting Annual Travel $1,000 -0- $1,500
2.  Spring Meeting Expenses $500 $402.86 $700
3.  Awards $200 $25 $200
4.  Dec. Dinner or Breakfast $1,000 $466.20 $1,000
Board Sub-Total $2,700 $894.06 $3,400



2001 (budget)

2001 (actual)

2002 (proposed)

1.  Editor $750 $750 $750
2.  Editor Assistant $300 $300 $300
3.  Secretary/Treasurer $750 $300 $750
4.  Secretary/Treasurer Assistant $400 $750 $400
Honoraria Sub-Total $2,200 $2,100 $2,200

Operating Expenses


2001 (budget)

2001 (actual)

2002 (proposed)

1.  Postage $300 $205.11 $300
2.  Operating Supplies $550 $221.64 $500
3.  Duplicating/Printing $300 $134.23 $300
4.  Database Conversion  -0- -0- $850
5.  Miscellaneous (Web) $400 $63.00 $400
Operating Expenses Sub-Total $1,550 $623.98 $2,350



2001 (budget)

2001 (actual)

2002 (proposed)

TOTAL EXPENSES $30,950 $27,446.28 $35,210



2001 (budget)

2001 (actual)

2002 (proposed)

Revenue/Expenses   $7,321.72 (2,260)


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