SACJTC November 2000 Newsletter

Allen Edwards, Editor
Volume 34, Number 2

Annual meeting set for December

Dear Colleagues:

I hope you have been bombarded of late with reminders about the new date for the annual business meeting and luncheon of SACJTC. This overkill was necessary because the association has departed from a long-held tradition and has moved its annual business meeting and luncheon to Tuesday, December 5, from noon until 1:30 p.m. Your board of directors made this change to support the Commission on Colleges in its desire to create an entire "day for presidents" on December 4. Please be assured, however, that we have adapted to this change and created a program that I think you will find both informative and interesting. You are aware that a massive project is under way within the Commission on Colleges to revisit the Criteria for Accreditation and make appropriate changes to the document that determines our reaffirmation of accreditation. This is an issue that affects us on a continuing basis.

To provide you the best possible information about this work, SACJTC will present Dr. Tom Corts as the keynote speaker on December 5. Dr. Corts is the president of Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama, and is chairing the project. He will be able to provide us the latest information concerning the work of the task force and has also agreed to take your questions. As you will note from above, we have squeezed an extra 15 minutes into the luncheon this year, and we hope that allows a significant number of questions for Dr. Corts.

Remember that you can register for the business meeting and luncheon by checkoff on your SACS registration form or you can obtain tickets from your state representative on the board. A very limited number of tickets will be available at the door.

Please continue to support the activities of SACJTC—the representative body within SACS for two-year institutions.


Marshall W. Smith
SACJTC President, 2000

Southern Association of Community, Junior, and Technical Colleges

Annual Business Meeting and Luncheon

Monday, December 5, 2000
12-1:30 p.m.
Atlanta Hyatt Regency, Regency VII, Ballroom Level

Tickets for the upcoming annual meeting can be purchased for $25 from any member of the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors or can be included in your SACS convention registration.

PRESIDINGDr. Marshall W. Smith
President, SACJTC
President, John Tyler Community College
Chester, Virginia
INVOCATIONDr. Allen G. Edwards
Editor, SACJTC
President, Pellissippi State Technical Community College
Knoxville, Tennessee
Financial Report
Election of Board Members and Officers
Board Member, SACJTC
President, Enterprise State Junior College
Enterprise, Alabama
"Report on the Criteria Review Project"
President, Samford University
Birmingham, Alabama
DOOR PRIZESDr. G. Edward Hughes
Vice President, SACJTC
President, Hazard Community College
Hazard, Kentucky

Southern Association of Community, Junior, and Technical Colleges

Draft Minutes—Fall Board Meeting

December 4, 1999
Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, Georgia

Present: Dorothy Lord (Georgia), President; Julius Brown (Alabama), Vice President; Allen Edwards (Tennessee), Editor; David Cole (Mississippi); Cuyler Dunbar (North Carolina); Ed Hughes (Kentucky); Terry Kelly (Louisiana); John Pickelman (Texas); Bob McSpadden (Florida); and Marshall Smith (Virginia), Secretary/Treasurer

Absent: Jim Hudgins (South Carolina), Past President

The fall meeting of the board of the Southern Association of Community, Junior, and Technical Colleges was conducted on December 5, 1999, at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta. President Dorothy Lord called the meeting to order at 5:06 p.m. A quorum was present.

After review, Ed Hughes moved, Julius Brown seconded, and the board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the April 1999 board meeting.

Marshall Smith presented the Treasurer's Report (see p. 4). The membership of the association stands at 260 institutions for the current year, thus surpassing the approved goal of 250. He complimented the board on the hard work undertaken to secure the 260 total. The investment report, which shows an increase in value of $1,029.09 over the past 12 months, to a new total of $23,990.05, was discussed. Four certificates of deposit are presently registered with Crestar Bank of Richmond (soon to become SunTrust). He noted that the approval to create a fifth certificate of deposit was not actuated because of earlier uncertainty with the number of corporate sponsorships. General financial notes were discussed. It was noted that the final number of corporate sponsorships, seven, exceeded the anticipated revenue by $500 ($6,000 budgeted to $6,500 pledged). It was also noted that not all the revenue from pledged sponsorships was yet in hand. The following sponsorships had been obtained: NCDS/Atlanta (paid), American College Testing (pledged), Follett Higher Education Group (paid), Sodexho Marriott Services (paid), Gilbane (paid), Wallace's College Bookstores (paid), and the Clement Group (paid). David Cole moved, Terry Kelly seconded, and the board voted unanimously to approve the Treasurer's Report.

President Lord began a discussion of ideas for service to the membership. John Pickelman suggested the association sponsor a speaker at AACC, and several board members endorsed the concept. During this discussion, Executive Director Jim Rogers of the Commission on Colleges and Associate Executive Director Carol Hollins entered the meeting.

Jim Rogers discussed the annual SACJTC luncheon and asked the board to consider other alternatives. He noted that SACJTC was the only affiliate organization of the commission that was permitted to schedule a meal. He noted that the Executive Council of the commission had earlier, on request by John Pickelman and Marshall Smith, rescheduled the presidents' meal for the commission (to a breakfast format) so that SACJTC might retain its luncheon format. He indicated that the Executive Council was considering a "presidents' day" at the annual meeting and that the luncheon slot would be a prime time for all commission presidents to meet. Several board members pointed out that SACJTC had been conducting an annual luncheon on Monday for almost 40 years. Jim Rogers agreed. David Cole noted that SACJTC had its annual meeting only because the commission annual meeting exists. Other board members noted that SACJTC, as an affiliate group, was clearly dependent on the good wishes of the commission for the ease with which it historically scheduled activities. The board agreed by consensus to examine the idea further. Jim Rogers expressed appreciation to the board for its consideration and for the many services provided the commission by two-year presidents. He and Dr. Hollins then left the meeting.

The discussion continued, with conversation centering on other possibilities for the luncheon, including either Sunday or Tuesday. The concept of a breakfast meeting was rejected. President Lord agreed to a straw poll of the attendees at the upcoming luncheon to gain additional information. Ed Hughes then moved, Julius Brown seconded, and the board unanimously agreed to endorse the concept of a "presidents' day" at the annual meeting and to acknowledge the necessity of rescheduling the luncheon day.

After discussion, the board, by consensus, directed President Lord to write David Pierce of AACC opposing the idea of two-year institutions' offering four-year degrees. President Lord noted that the new president would inherit this responsibility.

After discussion, Bob McSpadden moved, John Pickelman seconded, and the board voted unanimously to accept the favorable report of the Audit Committee. Editor Allen Edwards then presented the report of his activities. He circulated an Editor's Report, which noted the printing of two newsletters for the year. He also included in the report the results of a survey he had conducted among member presidents about contemporary issues. He indicated that he would write an occasional paper in February outlining the results of the questionnaire.

In Jim Hudgins' absence, Cuyler Dunbar presented the report of the Nominating Committee. For vacant board slots, the following individuals were proposed: Terry Kelly, for a full term to represent Louisiana; Steve Thornburg, to represent North Carolina; Dan Terhune, to represent South Carolina; and Stafford Thompson, to represent Alabama. Terry Kelly is the chancellor of Delgado Community College, and Steve Thornburg is the president of Cleveland Community College; Dan Terhune is the president of Spartanburg Technical College and Stafford Thompson is the president of Enterprise State Junior College. Prior to indicating the officer proposals, Cuyler, Dunbar noted the decision by Julius Brown to take early retirement in Alabama, thus precluding his moving to the presidency of the association and also creating a board vacancy for Alabama representation. The following officers were nominated: Marshall Smith, president; Ed Hughes, vice president/ president-elect; David Cole, secretary-treasurer; and Allen Edwards, editor. Dorothy Lord automatically becomes the past president and continues one additional year in service. Bob McSpadden moved, Allen Edwards seconded, and the board voted unanimously to approve the proposed slate and submit it to the membership for action at the annual business meeting/luncheon.

Julius Brown complimented President Lord on her written tribute to George Autry. A discussion was held as to possible ways to honor George Autry's memory. The board agreed to continue this discussion at the spring meeting.

It was noted that the spring meeting of the board would be held in conjunction with the annual meeting of AACC, scheduled in 2000 for Washington, D.C. Marshall Smith then discussed board responsibilities for the annual luncheon. Board members volunteered to work the sale table, the door, the door prizes, and the sponsors. It was agreed that door prize winners would be drawn during the luncheon itself. Julius Brown had earlier accepted the responsibility of introducing the speaker, Dr. David L. Dodson, the new president (having succeeded George Autry) of MDC. His topic will be "State of the South: Emerging Issues and Opportunities."

President Lord adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Marshall Smith

Southern Association of Community, Junior, and Technical Colleges

Officers of the Association—2000


Dr. Marshall W. Smith, President
John Tyler Community College
13101 Jefferson Davis Highway
Chester, VA 23831-5316
Telephone: (804) 796-4020
Fax: (804) 796-4364

Dr. G. Edward Hughes, President
Hazard Community College
One Community College Dr.
Hazard, KY 41701
Telephone: (606) 436-5721 Ext. 304
Fax: (606) 439-2988


Dr. Dorothy L. Lord, President
Coastal Georgia Community College
3700 Altama Ave.
Brunswick, GA 31520-3644
Telephone: (912) 264-7201
Fax: (912) 262-3282

Dr. Allen G. Edwards, President
Pellissippi State
Technical Community College
P. O. Box 22990
Knoxville, TN 37933-0990
Telephone: (865) 694-6616
Fax: (865) 694-6435
Dr. Robert L. McSpadden, President
Gulf Coast Community College
5230 W. Highway 98
Panama City, FL 32401
Telephone: (850) 872-3800
Fax: (850) 747-3228

Dr. Howell Garner, President
Copiah-Lincoln Community College
P.O. Box 457
Wesson, MS 39191
Telephone: (601) 643-8300
Fax: (601) 643-8213

Dr. John Pickelman, Chancellor
North Harris Montgomery Community College District
250 N. Sam Houston Parkway East
Houston, TX 77060
Telephone: (281) 260-3515
Fax: (281) 260-3570

Dr. J. Terence Kelly, Chancellor
Delgado Community College
501 City Park Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70119-4399
Telephone: (504) 483-4085
Fax: (504) 483-4088

Dr. L. Steve Thornburg, President
Cleveland Community College
137 S. Post Rd.
Shelby, NC 28152-6296
Telephone: (704) 484-4004
Fax: (704) 484-4036

Dr. Stafford L. Thompson, President
Enterprise State Junior College
P.O. Box 1300
Enterprise, AL 36331-1300
Telephone: (334) 347-1157
Fax: (334) 393-6223

Dr. Dan L. Terhune, President
Spartanburg Technical College
P.O. Box 4386
Spartanburg, SC 29305-4386
Telephone: (864) 591-3611
Fax: (864) 591-3608

Southern Association of Community, Junior, and Technical Colleges


INCOME 1999 (budget) 1999 (actual) 2000 (proposed)
1. Dues @ $50 $12,500 (250) $13,000.00 (260) $12,500 (250)
2. Luncheon tickets @ $25 7,500 (300) 7,425.00 (297) 7,500 (300)
3. Interest income 1,200 1,341.92 1,400
4. Miscellaneous -0- 45.00 -0-
5. Corporate sponsorships/luncheon 6,000 6,500.00 6,000
INCOME TOTAL $27,200 $28,311.92 $27,400
Member services
1. Newsletter/occasional papers $4,500 $2,792.97 $4,500
2. Annual luncheon  
Meal $11,500 $12,828.50 $13,000
Speaker 2,000 -0- 2,000
Speaker travel 1,000 215.46 1,000
Printing program/tickets -0- 578.46 600
Miscellaneous 500 283.06 500
Services subtotal $19,500 $16,698.45 $21,600
Board of Directors  
1. Spring meeting travel $1,000 $549.38 $1,000
2. Spring meeting & expenses 1,550 173.90 400
3. Awards 100 104.50 150
4. SACS dinner meeting 800 794.54 850
Board subtotal $3,450 $1,622.32 $2,400
1. Editor $750 $750.00 $750
2. Editor assistant 300 300.00 300
3. Secretary/treasurer 750 750.00 750
4. Secretary/treasurer assistant 400 400.00 400
5. Research honorarium 1,000 -0- 1,000
Honoraria subtotal $3,200 $2,200.00 $3,200
Operating expenses  
1. Postage $300 $169.19 $300
2. Operating supplies 550 583.20 550
3. Duplicating/printing 150 71.50 150
4. Miscellaneous 50 435.00 400
Operating subtotal $1,050 $1,258.89 $1,400
TOTAL EXPENSES $27,200 $21,779.66 $28,600
REVENUE/EXPENSES $6,532.26 ($1,200)