
Volume 38, Number 1                                                                   Patrick R. Lake 
 August 2003                                                                                      Editor

   Bulletin Board

Henderson Community College Fine Arts Center 

Winter Board Meeting

The Southern Association of Community, Junior, and Technical Colleges

Marriott Rivercenter
San Antonio Texas
December 8, 2002

PRESENT: Stafford Thompson (President); Terry Kelly (Vice President); Ed Hughes (Immediate Past President); Pat Lake (Editor); Marshall Smith (Secretary / Treasurer); Steve Thornburg; Barbara Losty; Dan Terhune; Thomas Gamble; and Howell Garner.

ABSENT: Mimi Valek and Charlie Roberts.

CALL TO ORDER: President Thompson called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

  APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  After review, Pat Lake moved, Ed Hughes seconded, and the Board voted unanimously to approve the spring 2002 minutes.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT:  Marshall Smith noted that the Association had not yet reached its 2002 goal of 250 paid memberships. The total presently stands at 239. He asked Board members to assist in reviewing previously distributed state reports and by personally contacting presidents of institutions who had not paid 2002 dues. He noted the willingness of his office to provide additional dues notices. Several Board members noted institutions that had likely overlooked the dues notice and that would probably continue membership if contacted. It was emphasized that the budget was built on a base of 250 paid memberships.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Marshall Smith provided the financial report, noting sections of the agenda book having appropriate information, including general financial notes and the status of investments. He indicated that the checking account was $10,000 lower than the amount shown in the agenda book since a payment in that amount had been made to the Marriott Rivercenter Hotel in San Antonio as partial payment for the Board meeting and the annual business meeting / luncheon.

INVESTMENT REPORT: Marshall Smith called the attention of the Board to the investment report included in the agenda book. He noted that investment percentages were down because of the general economy, but that the Association still retained $26,845.93 in general reserve.

AUDIT REPORT: Tom Gamble reported on behalf of the Audit Committee on the general audit conducted prior to the Board meeting. Howell Garner moved, Steve Thornburg seconded, and the Board voted unanimously to approve the report of the Audit Committee and asked that it be conveyed to the membership at the annual business meeting / luncheon.

EDITOR’S REPORT: Pat Lake provided the report of the Association’s publications, noting that there had been six occasional papers and two newsletters for the current year and that all Association publications were now provided to the membership online. He was congratulated by the Board for this work; several Board members noted the ease with which the newsletters could be disseminated to College staff under the electronic format. He asked the Board’s consideration of shifting budget monies to support additional honoraria for work performed by staff members at his institution on SACJTC publications. He noted that printing costs had virtually disappeared because of the shift to an electronic format. Howell Garner moved, Tom Gamble seconded, and the Board voted unanimously to shift printing funds to honoraria so that a total of $1,300.00 would be available for individuals working on the publications.

Pat Lake discussed the location of the administration of the Website. It is presently at Pellissippi State Technical Community College in Knoxville, Tennessee. Since Allen Edwards, Pellissippi’s president, is no longer a Board member, he has expressed an interest in having the administration of the Website moved to another institution. Howell Garner indicated that he would be willing to discuss the possibilities. Pat Lake volunteered to arrange a conference call to discuss the various options.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT: Ed Hughes, chairman, reported on behalf of the Nominating Committee and moved the adoption of the following slate of officers and Board members for 2003: President – Terry Kelly; Vice-President – Steve Thornburg; Immediate Past President – Stafford Thompson; Editor – Pat Lake; Secretary / Treasurer – Marshall Smith; Full Term – Millicent Valek representing Texas (Class of 2004); Full Term – Charles Roberts representing Tennessee (Class of 2005); and Regular Term – Barry Russell representing South Carolina (Class of 2005). The Board unanimously approved the slate and directed that it be brought to the Association membership for approval at the annual business meeting / luncheon.

ASSOCIATION EMPHASIS: A general discussion was held regarding the professional emphasis of the Association for the coming year. After a number of ideas were brought forward, it was decided that the general topic for the Association would be: “The State of the Open Door.” This topic will permit the inclusion of a number of sub-topics that represent serious challenges to the open door, including, but not limited to, on-line learning, accreditation changes, and accountability issues from funding sources.

The thought was expressed that the Association might usefully join with the League for Innovation in the Community College to present a written work to the membership. Terry Kelly noted that he would make this an initiative of his administration of the Association and would pursue the idea.

ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING / LUNCHEON: The administration of the annual business meeting / luncheon was discussed and assignments made to Board members. It was noted that two sponsors would be present and had requested display tables: Architecture, Etc. and American College Testing. Other sponsors would be present, but additional tables would not be needed. It was noted that the official Commission on Colleges program erroneously listed the ending time as 2:00 p.m. instead of 1:30 pm. President Thompson agreed to remind the membership of this error at the outset of the meeting and note that the membership would have ample time to move to the meeting of the College Delegate Assembly.

ANNUAL ASSOCIATION BUSINESS MEETING: President Thompson noted the items that would be brought before the membership at the annual business meeting / luncheon, including the financial report, the audit report, recognition of sponsors, door prizes, and the introduction of the keynote speaker.

SPRING BOARD MEETING: The last two weeks of March 2003 were identified for potential scheduling of the spring Board meeting of the Association. The format of a fly-in to Atlanta with the meeting being held in the Executive Center at the Hartsfeld International Airport was identified as the most appropriate venue.

ADJOURNMENT: President Thompson adjourned the meeting at 10:45 a.m.


INCOME                                                               2002 (budget)         2002 (actual)          2003 (proposed)


1.             Dues @ $50                                            $12,500 (250)         $12,400 (248)         $12,500 (250)        

2.             Luncheon tickets                                     $11,550 (385)         $  9,540 (318)         $10,500 (350)

3.             Interest Income                                       $  1,400                   $  1,069                   $  1,000                  

4.             Miscellaneous                                         $      -0-                   $       -0-                  $      -0-

5.             Corporate Sponsorships – Luncheon     $ 7,000                    $  8,500                   $  7,000


INCOME TOTAL                                                 $32,450                   $31,509                   $31,000




Member Services

             1. Newsletter/Occasional Papers             $  3,000                     $        - 0 -               $     700

             2.  Annual Luncheon

                SACS/COC Processing Fee                  $     500                     $      500.00             $     500

                Meal                                                      $18,000                     $ 16,410.28             $18,000  

                Speaker                                                 $  2,000                     $   2,000.00             $  2,000

                Speaker Travel                                      $  1,000                     $      286.00             $  1,000

                Printing (Program/Tickets/Flyer)         $  1,200                      $      875.80             $  1,200

                Miscellaneous (shipping/signs/AV)      $     700                     $      298.72             $     700

                Complimentary Tickets/Refunds          $     360                    $      390.00             $     360


Services Sub-Total                                              $26,760                    $ 20,760.80             $24,460


Board of Directors

                1.Spring Meeting Travel                         $  1,500                   $       -0-                  $   - 0 -

                2.Spring Meeting Expenses                    $     700                   $     648.00              $     500

                3.Awards                                                                $     200                   $       70.54              $     200

                4.Dec. Dinner or Breakfast  Meeting      $  1,000                   $     372.57              $  1,000


                                  Board Sub-Total                 $  3,400                   $     1,091.11           $  1,700



                1. Editor                                                  $     750                   $     800.00              $     800  

                2. Editor Assistant                                  $     300                   $     500.00              $     500

                3. Secretary / Treasurer                           $     750                   $     450.00              $     800

                4. Secretary / Treasurer Assistant          $     400                   $     750.00              $     500


                                Honoraria Sub-Total           $  2,200                   $  2,500.00              $  2,600


Operating Expenses

                1. Postage                                                $     300                   $     112.85              $     300

                2. Operating Supplies                             $     500                   $     257.92              $     500

                3. Duplicating / Printing                          $     300                   $       30.10              $     300

                4. Database Conversion                          $     850                   $     780.00              $     500

                5. Miscellaneous (Web)                          $     400                   $       - 0 -                 $     400


                                Operating Sub-Total           $  2,350                   $   1,180.87             $  2,000



TOTAL EXPENSES                                             $34,710                   $ 25,532.78             $30,760



REVENUE / EXPENSES                                                                       $   5,976.22                    240



