SACJTC Newsletter

Southern Association of Community, Junior, and Technical Colleges

November 1998, Volume 32, Number 2

Allen Edwards, Editor


Annual meeting set for December-
State of the South - 1998

On December 7, 1998, the Southern Association of Community, Junior, and Technical Colleges (SACJTC) will hold its annual meeting and luncheon in conjunction with the SACS meeting in Atlanta. The 12:30 p.m. luncheon program will be of vital interest. Former Governor William Winter will summarize the implications of the recently released report State of the South - 1998 for Southern Community Colleges.

The report states that an undereducated workforce threatens the region's progress, with men in particular slipping behind, confirming the current efforts of SACJTC to determine a cause of and solution for declining male enrollment. At the same time, large numbers of unskilled workers, including new immigrants, are moving into the South, creating more competition for dwindling blue-collar jobs. The report states, "Too many men, whether in inner cities or Appalachia, see education as uncool... too many Southern men see their careers based on their ability to do certain things-make things, drive things, dig things. The economy, meanwhile, continues forward for those who have the ability to think things."

The issues outlined in the report will be on the agenda of Southern community colleges in the 21st century. You will want to secure a ticket from your state representative and hear former Governor Winter's analysis of this study.

Former Governor Winter is regarded in Mississippi as the "education governor." He led an educational reform initiative before it became fashionable. He has continued his interest in and support of educational and economic development projects in the South (see biography on back page).



Monday, December 7, 1998
12:30 - 1:45 p.m.
Hyatt Regency, International North Ballroom

Tickets for the upcoming annual meeting can be purchased for $25 each from any member of the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors.

Presiding                    Dr. James L. Hudgins
                             President of SACJTC
                             President, Midlands Technical College, Columbia, South Carolina

Welcome                      Dr. Hudgins

Invocation                   Dr. Julius Brown
                             President, Wallace Community College, Selma, Alabama

Business Session             Dr. Hudgins

Introduction of Speaker      Dr. Dorothy L. Lord
                             Vice President of SACJTC
                             President, Coastal Georgia Community College, Brunswick, Georgia

Keynote Address              "State of the South - All Shook Up!" 
                             The Honorable William Winter
                             Former Governor of Mississippi
                             Chair, MDC Board of Directors

Door Prizes                  Dr. Marshall W. Smith
                             Secretary-Treasurer of SACJTC
                             President, John Tyler Community College, Chester, Virginia

Minutes of the
Winter/Spring Board Meeting

Miami Beach, Florida
April 25, 1998


The winter/spring meeting of the Board of Directors of the Southern Association of Community, Junior, and Technical Colleges was held during the annual meeting of the American Association of Community Colleges in Miami Beach, Florida, on Saturday, April 25, 1998. Present were Jim Hudgins, Dorothy Lord, Jack Sasser, Allen Edwards, Bob McSpadden, Ed Hughes, Cuyler Dunbar, Julius Brown, Tommy Davis, and Marshall Smith. George Autry was present as a guest of the Board.

Jim Hudgins called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m. The annual meeting in New Orleans was discussed. It was noted that attendance was up at both SACS and SACJTC, and the thought was expressed that the former may have caused the latter. Jack Sasser had mailed reminder notices to all member presidents just prior to the annual meeting; this probably had a positive effect as well.

Marshall Smith presented the membership report, noting that the 250 members matched the budgeted goal exactly. He noted that Texas and North Carolina had volatile membership lists because of the number of institutions in both states. He expressed appreciation to Board members for working hard to bring latecomers into paid status. The new Board members both requested more detailed membership information for their respective states.

The lack of a Board member from Louisiana was discussed at some length. Julius Brown moved, Tommy Davis seconded, and the Board voted unanimously to direct Jim Hudgins to consult with Jim Callier and attempt to secure a Board member from that state.

Marshall Smith presented the financial reports. While the Association is in excellent financial shape, it is not in quite the shape suggested in New Orleans because reports given there were preliminary and did not reflect luncheon and meeting costs born at that meeting. After discussion, Julius Brown moved, Ed Hughes seconded, and the Board unanimously approved setting a goal of having one year's average operating expenses in reserve. Travel expenses were discussed, and it was the consensus of the Board that reimbursements not claimed by individual Board members would be applied against the current year's operating expenses. It was noted that conducting the Board meeting during the AACC annual conference clearly reduced overall Board expenses.

A lengthy discussion followed concerning expenses associated with the annual luncheon. It was determined that each Board member would attempt to secure $1,000 in corporate sponsorships for the luncheon. Sponsors would be offered all the following perquisites: (1) the corporate logo could appear in the annual luncheon program, (2) a representative could attend the meeting and be introduced during the program, (3) mailing lists could be made available on request, (4) the corporate logo could appear in the SACJTC newsletter, and (5) a table with appropriate information could be set up during the annual luncheon. Julius Brown graciously offered to coordinate the overall effort to obtain corporate sponsorships.

The proposed budget for 1998-99 was discussed in depth. After altering of the anticipated revenue for corporate sponsorships from $5,000 to $10,000, the proposed budget displayed a projected $1,000 balance at the close of the 1998-99 year. Allen Edwards moved, Cuyler Dunbar seconded, and the Board voted unanimously to approve the budget.

Following a suggestion, it was the consensus of the Board that a summary of Board minutes should appear in the newsletter edition following the meeting.

Jim Hudgins noted that Dorothy Lord, as SACJTC vice president, was responsible for the program in Atlanta. Dorothy sought advice from Board members concerning a possible speaker. A lengthy discussion followed. George Autry observed that five books that deal with males in higher education were in various stages of publication. He noted that the emphasis of SACJTC may now be coming into its own. He commented that the enormous progress of black females in higher education has been largely unnoticed. He announced that a new State of the South report from his firm would be forthcoming by early summer. He felt that the report would show that the South's middle class is expanding, but that the gap between rich and poor is increasing. He emphasized the need for community colleges to attempt to increase the college enrollment rate of males and the possibility of SACJTC continuing its efforts in this direction.

A number of possible speakers were then reviewed. After much discussion, Tommy Davis moved, Bob McSpadden seconded, and the Board voted unanimously to invite former Governor William Winter (of Mississippi) to be the speaker at the annual meeting. The need to seek a major donor to support the program itself was agreed upon although it was emphasized that individual Board members will still be responsible for attempting to secure $1,000 in corporate sponsorships for the luncheon itself. Julius Brown suggested that George Autry might provide a one-page handout at the annual meeting covering research current at that time. Jim Hudgins thanked George Autry for his attendance and his participation.

The Board determined that the number of guaranteed attendees should be increased by 10 on an experimental basis because of the significant number of individuals who come to the door of the luncheon and seek admission. It was also determined that the ticket design should return to the original, with two perforations and consecutive numbering. In addition, the tickets should state: "Annual Meeting and Luncheon" to avoid confusion. After discussion, it was confirmed that each Board member would be responsible for one door prize of approximately $50 in value.

Also after discussion, Jack Sasser moved, Dorothy Lord seconded, and the Board voted unanimously to direct Jim Hudgins to write Rod Risley, executive director of Phi Theta Kappa, affirming SACJTC's support for that organization.
The Board discussed the possibilities of offering its assistance in developing community college leadership programs in the South. A possible topic might be "Community Colleges as the Land Grant Institutions of the 21st Century." The Board emphasized its desire to continue the relationship with George Autry and MDC. Tommy Davis moved, Cuyler Dunbar seconded, and the Board voted unanimously to ask George Autry to investigate the possibility of seeking grant support for such an effort. Tommy Davis offered to contact Mac Patera, the new president of Mississippi State University, to offer the Board's support as that institution considers the initiation of a community college leadership program.

Ed Hughes moved, Jack Sasser seconded, and the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the December 1997 Board meeting as presented. Marshall Smith thanked Allen Edwards for preparing the minutes.

Jim Hudgins appointed Jack Sasser, Tommy Davis, and Julius Brown as the Nominating Committee for 1999 officers and new Board members for the Class of 2000. He also appointed Ed Hughes and Bob McSpadden as the Audit Committee for the December 1998 Board meeting.

The Board agreed to conduct the winter/spring meeting for 1999 during the AACC conference on April 7-10, 1999, at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee.

The Board adjourned at 11:35 a.m.

Marshall Smith

Southern Association of Community,
Junior, and Technical Colleges


Dr. James L. Hudgins, President
Midlands Technical College
P.O. Box 2408
Columbia, SC 29202
(803) 738-2994
Fax: (803) 738-7821

Dr. Dorothy L. Lord, President
Coastal Georgia Community College
3700 Altama Ave.
Brunswick, GA 31520-3644
(912) 264-7201
Fax: (912) 262-3282

Dr. Marshall W. Smith, President
John Tyler Community College
13101 Jefferson Davis Highway
Chester, VA 23831-5316
(804) 796-4020
Fax: (804) 796-4364

Dr. Jackson N. Sasser, President
Lee College
P.O. Box 818
Baytown, TX 77522-0818
(281) 425-6300
Fax: (281) 425-6555

Dr. Allen Edwards, President
Pellissippi State
Technical Community College
P.O. Box 22990
Knoxville, TN 37933-0990
(423) 694-6616
Fax: (423) 694-6435


Class of 1998
Dr. Julius R. Brown, President
Wallace Community College - Selma
P.O. Drawer 1049
Selma, AL 36702-1049
(334) 876-9230
Fax: (334) 872-0158

Dr. Tommy L. Davis Jr., President
East Mississippi Community College
P.O. Box 188
Scooba, MS 39358
(601) 476-8442
Fax: (601) 476-8822

Class of 1999
Dr. Cuyler A. Dunbar, President
Catawba Valley Community College
2550 Highway 70 SE
Hickory, NC 28602
(704) 327-7000, Ext. 210
Fax: (704) 327-7276

Class of 2000
Dr. Robert L. McSpadden, President
Gulf Coast Community College
5230 W. Highway 98
Panama City, FL 32401
(850) 872-3800
Fax: (850) 747-3228

Dr. G. Edward Hughes, President
Hazard Community College
One Community College Dr.
Hazard, KY 41701
(606) 436-5721, Ext. 304
Fax: (606) 439-2988

Dr. J. Terence "Terry" Kelly, President
Delgado Community College
501 City Park Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70119-4399
(504) 483-4400
Fax: (504) 483-4386

 Biography of William Winter

William Winter is the former Mississippi governor whose Education Reform Act of 1982 preceded A Nation at Risk by a year. He was chair of the 1986 Commission on the Future of the South, which produced Halfway Home and A Long Way to Go. He was also chair of the MDC panel that published Shadows in the Sunbelt in the same year. In 1988, he was elected chair of the MDC Board of Directors. Currently a member of the Advisory Board to the President's Initiative on Race, he is past president of the Kettering Foundation and former chair of both the Southern Regional Education Board and the Southern Growth Policies Board.

The former governor and Mrs. Winter have been longtime friends of community colleges. He is a former member of the board of AACC. His wife is a community college alumna, a former member of the Mississippi State Board of Community Colleges, and chair of the Community College Inter-Alumni Association.



INCOME                               1997 (budget)            1997 (actual)         1998 (proposed)
 1. Dues @$50	                 $ 12,500 (250)        $ 12,500.00 (250)        $ 12,500 (250)
 2. Luncheon Tickets @$25            5,750 (230)		  7,000.00 (280)           6,500 (260)
 3. Interest Income                  1,000                 1,295.57                 1,000
 4. Miscellaneous	                    50                         -0-                   -0-
 5. Corporate Sponsors-Luncheon     10,000	             5,500.00                10,000
             TOTAL INCOME       $ 29,300	          $ 26,295.57	            $ 30,000   

Member Services
 1. Newsletter/Occasional Papers	$ 4,500	           $ 2,086.41               $ 4,500
 2. Annual Luncheon
	Meal                           8,000                 8,889.27                 9,500
	Speaker                        2,000                 2,680.60                 2,000
	Speaker Travel                   800                 1,031.00                 1,000
	Entertainment                    150                      -0-                   -0-
	Miscellaneous                    750                      -0-                   500
	  Services Subtotal	     $ 16,200	          $ 14,687.28              $ 17,500

Board of Directors
 1. Winter Meeting Travel          $ 4,500               $ 3,165.60               $ 4,500
 2. Winter Meeting Dinner              600                   867.67                   800
 3. Winter Meeting Expenses          1,575                 1,560.40                 1,600
 4. Awards                             150                    72.50                   100
 5. SACS Dinner Meeting                550                   573.94                   600
          Board Subtotal         $ 7,375               $ 6,240.11               $ 7,600

 1. Editor                           $ 750                 $ 750.00                 $ 750
 2. Editor Assistant                   300                   300.00                   300
 3. Secretary/Treasurer                750                   750.00                   750
 4. Secretary/Treasurer Assistant      300                   300.00                   300
 5. Research Honorarium              2,500                      -0-                 1,000
	Honoraria Subtotal         $ 4,600               $ 2,100.00               $ 3,100

Operating Expenses
 1. Postage                          $ 375                 $ 112.00                 $ 350
 2. Operating Supplies                 100                   174.00                   250
 3. Duplicating/Printing               250                    90.37                   150
 4. Miscellaneous            		50                    47.75                    50
     Operating Subtotal           $ 775                 $ 424.12                 $ 800
Reserve                             $ 350

TOTAL EXPENSES                  $ 29,300              $ 23,451.51              $ 29,000

REVENUE/EXPENSES                   $ -0-               $ 2,844.06               $ 1,000