Minutes – December Board Meeting 

The Southern Association of Community, Junior, and Technical Colleges

New Orleans Hilton, Louisiana

 December 9, 2001




Marshall Smith (Virginia), Secretary-Treasurer; Pat Lake (Kentucky), Editor; Millicent Valek (Texas); Dan Terhune (South Carolina); Terry Kelly (Louisiana); Howell Garner (Mississippi); Charlie Roberts (Tennessee); Tom Gamble (Florida); Steve Thornburg (North Carolina)


Ed Hughes (Kentucky), President; Stafford Thompson (Alabama), Vice President; Barbara Losty (Georgia)


The December 2001 Board meeting of the Southern Association of Community, Junior, and Technical Colleges was conducted on December 9, 2001, at the Hilton New Orleans, during the Annual SACS / COC Meeting.  Marshall Smith called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.m.  A quorum was present.


The draft minutes of the April 6, 2001 meeting were reviewed.  Terry Kelly moved, and Tom Gamble seconded, that the Board approve the minutes as presented.  The motion passed.


Marshall Smith distributed individual membership reports by state and noted that as of December 4, 2001, there were 251 paid members (250 were budgeted).


Marshall Smith reviewed general financial information including assets prior to the annual meeting ($64,571), anticipated revenue ($20,900), and expenses ($21,039) of the annual meeting and luncheon.  He reminded the Board that a $500 stipend will be paid to SACS / COC for assistance in registering and collecting money for the annual meeting and luncheon.   Marshall remarked that this year’s luncheon should have a record number of attendees. 

Marshall noted that a complete budget report for 2001 and a proposed budget for 2002 would be presented at the April meeting.


Marshall Smith reviewed the investment report that includes four certificates of deposit totaling $26,110, as of November 28, 2001.  These accounts are held by SunTrust Bank in Virginia. 

 Charlie Roberts asked if other methods of investment should be considered for a higher rate of return.  Pat Lake suggested an investment policy be developed and Marshall Smith responded that predecessor boards have tried to maintain approximately one year of operating expenses as investment income. After much discussion regarding fiduciary responsibility and management of investments, a motion was made by Howell Garner, seconded by Steve Thornburg, to continue with low risk CD investments. The motion passed. Marshall Smith agreed to check on the possibility of obtaining higher rates.


Steve Thornburg reported that his review of various documents and bank statements found all financial records to be in order.  Tom Gamble concurred.  A motion was made by Charlie Roberts, seconded by Dan Terhune, to accept the report of the audit committee. The motion passed.


Pat Lake reported that he has been working with Bob McCabe focusing on under prepared students, working on newsletters and occasional papers, and changing the website.  A call for papers will be sent out in the spring.  Pat asked for assistance in getting responses.  It was suggested to extend the call to Deans, utilize e-mail distribution, and add the information to the website.

 Pat Lake asked the Board if it wished to continue with the topic of under prepared students. Howell Garner suggested distance education for a future focus. A motion was made by Steve Thornburg, seconded by Howell Garner, to continue the theme of under prepared students. The motion passed.


Marshall Smith presented the following slate from the nominating committee:


Dr. Stafford Thompson, President, Enterprise State Junior College

Dr. J. Terence Kelly, Vice President, Delgado Community College

Dr. Marshall Smith, Secretary/Treasurer, John Tyler Community College

Dr. G. Edward Hughes, Past President, Hazard Community College

Dr. Patrick R. Lake, Editor, Henderson Community College

Board of Directors

Dr. L. Steve Thornburg, Class of 2002, Cleveland Community College

Dr. Dan Terhune, Class of 2002, Spartanburg Technical College

Dr. Charlie Roberts, Jr., Class of 2002, Jackson State Community College

Dr. Howell Garner, Class of 2003, Copiah-Lincoln Community College

Dr. Barbara Losty, Class of 2003, Waycross College

Dr. Thomas Gamble, Class of 2003, Brevard Community College

Dr. Millicent Valek, Class of 2004, Brazosport College

 Marshall Smith reported that Millicent Valek was filling an unexpired term for Texas and recommended that she be nominated for election to the class of 2004.

 A motion was made by Dan Terhune, seconded by Tom Gamble, that the slate be approved as presented. The motion passed.


Marshall Smith discussed the possibility of providing the membership with one of Bob McCabe’s books to continue to support the theme of under prepared students. 

 No One to Waste was published in November 2000 and is available through AACC; however, it is believed that this publication has been widely distributed through AACC among presidents. Marshall Smith reported that Bob McCabe will soon be completing a new book with the working title of A Guide for Community College Programs for Underprepared Students.  The Board agreed this new publication should be reviewed as soon as it is available for possible distribution to the membership.


The Board discussed assignments and details for the annual meeting and luncheon on December 11 to include ticket sales, admission process, sponsors, speaker, and door prizes.


The Board reviewed the following in preparation for the December 11 meeting:  financial report, election of board members and officers, and recognition of sponsors.


Marshall Smith noted that the SACJTC Spring Board Meeting is usually held in April at the same time as the Annual AACC Meeting; however, he expressed concern regarding travel and budget issues due to the fact that it will be held in Seattle.   The Board agreed that the new president should poll everyone electronically to determine whether the SACJTC Board would meet in conjunction with AACC or choose an alternate site.


The Board adjourned at 12:50 p.m.

J. Horton, Temporary Recorder

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